A National Resource for the Scientific Research Community
Note: The NPRCs are updating this website and will launch the new site soon. Contact information for each NPRC is available via the center names below.
The National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs) are a national network of dedicated teams fighting diseases from Alzheimer’s to Zika and improving human health and lives worldwide. In partnership with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), other government organizations, private foundations, and private industry, NPRCs conduct and enable studies that make breakthrough discoveries of causes, preventions, treatments and cures possible. The highly regulated study of nonhuman primates (NHPs) is critically important, as it often precedes clinical trials in humans and cannot be replicated any other way.
The NPRCs serve as a national scientific resource that provides animals, expertise, and specialized facilities and equipment to scientists conducting research with NHPs. Approximately 1000 investigations involving over 2150 investigators are conducted through the NPRCs each year. The NPRCs are an integral part of their host institutions and support a highly skilled faculty of core scientists and collaborators from around the world.
Whether your research requires on site facilities or remote access to services and resources, the NPRCs can draw on decades of experience and a portfolio of capabilities to customize a research support solution that addresses your needs.
We strongly encourage consultation with any of the NPRCs to discuss areas of interest and potential collaborations, and to better understand how this readily available national resource can help advance your research.