Nonhuman Primate Research Support Capabilities and Resources
Please browse or search our inventory of NPRC capabilities. We strongly
encourage you to contact any of the NPRCs for consultation regarding
facilities and services required to support your research.
While many institutions are not sufficiently equipped to fully support
NHP research, the NPRCs provide the comprehensive research
infrastructure and expertise necessary for appropriate care and research
application of nonhuman primates.
A broad spectrum of support services are available including ABSL 3
and ABSL 4 laboratories, aerosol exposure facilities, Genetics and
Genomics support, diagnostic and research pathology, imaging, immunology
and neuroscience. Additionally, the NPRCs employ nationally and
internationally recognized experts in the field of nonhuman primate
management, production, care, psychological well-being, regulatory
compliance and research utilization.
While many institutions are not sufficiently equipped to fully support
NHP research, the NPRCs provide the comprehensive research
infrastructure and expertise necessary for appropriate care and research
application of nonhuman primates.
A broad spectrum of support services are available including ABSL 3
and ABSL 4 laboratories, aerosol exposure facilities, Genetics and
Genomics support, diagnostic and research pathology, imaging, immunology
and neuroscience. Additionally, the NPRCs employ nationally and
internationally recognized experts in the field of nonhuman primate
management, production, care, psychological well-being, regulatory
compliance and research utilization.

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research center has this capability

research center specializes in this capability
Animal Resource Management
Assisted reproductive technologies
Behavioral management program administration
Computerized animal records and multigenerational pedigrees
NHP acquisition and quarantine
NHP breeding colony management
NHP facility design and management
Training program admin for animal care and research staff
Infant biobehavioral measures
Biomaterials bank (includes tissue/serum/blood distribution)
Collaborative research support/Protocol implementation
Drug development and testing
Endocrine assays / technologies
Microarray sample labeling, hybridization/scanning
Whole slide scanning - brightfield, DIC, fluorescence
Cell turnover/proliferation
Intracellular cytokine staining
Multiplex fluorescent immunoassay (MFIA)
Inhalation exposure facility
International Programs - Global health and education resources
Body composition (DEXA, MRI)
Euglycemic/hyperinsulinemic clamps
Feeding behavior/preferences
Glucose tolerance test (GTT)
Insulin tolerance test (ITT)
Cognitive testing apparatus
Neonatal and infant biobehavioral testing
Pathogen detection and quantification
Morphometry/quantitative imaging
Cognitive testing apparatus
Embryo/sperm cryopreservation
Infant Primate Research Lab
SARS-CoV2 / CoVID-19 research support
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Production
Veterinary Medical Research Support Procedures
Conventional (open) surgical procedures performed for research
Central and peripheral nervous system
Targeted, stereotaxic injections
Chronic indwelling catheter systems
Gastric catheter implantation
Hepatectomy and excisional biopsy
Small and large intestinal resection and anastomosis
Small and large intestinal wedge biopsy
Intramedullary pin and cerclage
Intervertebral disc replacement
Bronchoscopic instillation
Intratracheal instillation
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Endoscopic gastrointestinal biopsy
Gastrointestinal endoscopic examination
Inoculation/immunization/article administration
Subcutaneous sustained release implants
Minimally invasive videoendoscopic surgery
Vaginal cytology sampling
Peripheral nerve conduction and electromyography (EMG)
Ultrasound guided techniques
Chorionic villous sampling
Molecular virology/BAC technology
SIV/SHIV reservoir assays
digital dropletPCR/RT-digital droplet PCR
quantitative viral outgrowth assay (QVOA)
Virus characterization, isolation and production