Biomarkers Assay Group - Panels
The laboratories offer several panels of analytes allowing for multiple compounds to be quantified in a single sample. Panels currently developed include multisteroid analyses, vitamin D metabolite panel, catecholamines (biogenic amines), inflammatory cytokines, and neurodegenerative disease panel. Custom panels may be requested.
Please browse or search our inventory of panels. We strongly encourage you to contact the NPRCs for a consultation regarding the panels required to support your research.
10-plex human cytokines

10-plex neurodegenerative disease panel

23-plex monkey cytokines

29-plex cytokine panel

30-plex human cytokines

37-plex monkey cytokines

5-plex monkey cytokines

9-plex inflammatory cytokine panel


Biogenic Amines And Their Metabolites

Custom Steroid Hormone Panels (LC-MS/MS)

Custom Synthetic Contraceptive Hormone Panel (LC-MS/MS)


Extended Steroid Panel (LC/MS-MS)

Glucocorticoids Panel (LC/MS-MS)

Rapid Steroid Panel (LC/MS-MS)

Rat Metabolic Panel

Specialized Steroid Panels on request (LC/MS-MS)

Synthetic Contraceptive Hormone Panel (LC-MS/MS)

Vitamin D Panel (LC/MS-MS)