BALDR – BCR Assignment of Lineage by De novo Reconstruction
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BALDR – BCR Assignment of Lineage by De novo Reconstruction
Ancestry Informative Marker and Genetic Management Panels for Rhesus Macaque
Genetic Management of Nonhuman Primate Colonies
BALDR (BCR Assignment of Lineage by De novo Reconstruction) is a pipeline for reconstructing human or rhesus macaque immunoglobulin(Ig)/B cell receptor(BCR) sequences from single cell RNA-Seq data generated by Illumina sequencing.
BALDR is based on the de novo assembly of RNA-Seq reads. It allows reconstructions using following methods:
- IG-mapped_Unmapped (human and rhesus) - Assemble reads mapping to Ig loci + Unmapped reads [default for human]
- FilterNonIG (rhesus)- Assemble reads after filtering those that match to non-Ig genes in the genome [default for rhesus]
- Unfiltered (human and rhesus) - Use all reads for assembling transcripts and select Ig transcript models
- IG-mapped_only (human and rhesus) - Assemble reads mapping to Ig loci
- Recombinome-mapped (human) - Assemble reads mapping to the Ig recombinome
- IMGT-mapped (human) - Assemble reads mapping to IMGT V(D)J and C sequences
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