National NHP DNA Bank
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National Nonhuman Primate DNA Bank
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Ancestry Informative Marker and Genetic Management Panels for Rhesus Macaque
Genetic Management of Nonhuman Primate Colonies
Click here to view an example DNA request Form.
Click here to view an example Materials Transfer Agreement.
Resource brief: the National Nonhuman Primate DNA Bank.
The National Primate Research Centers maintain and distribute a broad range of biological material, including extracted DNA. Samples for collaborative research that requires genetic analysis are available for the numerous species housed at the NPRCs as well as affiliated institutions including the Wake Forest Primate Center.
The technical staff at each center collects, preserves, stores, and prepares the biological material for shipment. These materials are available to qualified investigators through the Biomaterials Distribution Program. The recipient pays the shipping charges and a portion of the costs associated with collecting and processing the tissues. Before a request is filled, the recipient will be advised of the estimated cost.
For biological material requests originating outside the United States, the recipient must first obtain a CITES import/export permit. The government agencies involved may need several months to process the paperwork.
Please browse or search our inventory of DNA Samples, and click on the center at the top of the matrix for contact information.
DNA Bank Samples